A downloadable zungeon

The Court of the Shivering Moon

Out beyond the Munkalf Ridge in the Great Eiyrian Weald, the Shivering Moon once held court in a grand palace. Mad raving symphonies lasted weeks and moonths at a time in those days, and anyone wishing an audience with the Moons could find it here. 

Oh those were the days of my grandmother's youth, she told me that her eldest sister once danced for Persh herself. 

But the Shivering Moon no longer holds court, and the moons no longer wish for dancers. That once grand hall is a cursed place, of ruin and pain, of melancholy and treachery. Do not dance your life away at the Court of the Shivering Moon.

being an Exquisite Crypt Zungeon created by Boxman214, Cats Have No Lord, Creative WrongingjfurKirhon.vi,  Levi KornelsenMagnolia Keep, Mrs PlatypusNael Fox-PriebeOrthopraxyQarsi, Sandy Pug Games, & TM Lockwood

In January of this year (2025) I set forth to attempt a new method of collaborative dungeon-making inspired by poetry and art games I would play with my art friends while at university. I crowd-sourced a crew from bluesky and brought everyone together. Thirteen of us set out to trial this system which I detailed on my blog

I sent out a jumble of prompts for everyone to go over, each player got 6 or 7 prompts depending on which 6-room “section” of the dungeon they were building. I additionally provided randomly determined themes for each section (worms, melodies, & madness for section 1; masks, devotion, & betrayal for section 2), as well as the name of the Dungeon “The Court of the Shivering Moon” as the overarching theme.

Once the prompts were brought together we had a serviceable dungeon, but in the spirit of zungeoneering, we went into a post-production mode on discord wherein anyone who wanted to could take charge of a room, fleshing out as they saw fit, editing and writing up the details of their chosen room in whatever style they preferred.

Further editing was done (thanks Orthopraxy!), stat blocks generated (thanks Nael and Creative Wronging!), art was made (thanks Mrs Platypus for the fine worm and mask linocuts!), and finally everything got plugged in to the layout to build a printable and playable OSR zungeon collaboratively made and developed by 13 awesome human beings utilizing surrealist vibes.


The Court of the Shivering Moon by Boxman214, Cats Have No Lord, Creative Wronging, jfur, Kirhon.vi, Levi Kornelsen, Magnolia Keep, Mrs Platypus, Nael Fox-Priebe, Orthopraxy, Qarsi, Sandy Pug Games, & TM Lockwood is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Updated 1 day ago
Published 3 days ago
CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(6 total ratings)
Tagscairn, Dungeon Crawler, Horror, into-the-odd, old-school-essentials, ose, OSR, zine, zungeon


CotSM treasure map.jpeg 4.5 MB
CotSM hand out.jpg 3 MB
CotSM GM map.jpg 4.7 MB
Court of the Shivering Moon 2.15.25 high quality print pages.pdf 41 MB
Court of the Shivering Moon 2.15.25 pages.pdf 9.4 MB
Court of the Shivering Moon 2.15.25 spreads.pdf 9.4 MB
Oddlike Monster Coversions.jpg 4.9 MB

Development log


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Jen is being absurdly modest in her description of the process. All of the collage work (excepting Room 3 by Creative Wronging) is by her. Not only did she come up with the concept, write the original prompts from which we created The Court, and manage the process, she is the primary driving force behind this project looking so fucking good!


as an avowed clown, i live in perpetual absurdity!

thanks nael! couldn't have done any of this without the whole crew 💛